Computed Tomography
1186 gamuts
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abdominal abscess
abdominal calcification in an infant or child
abdominal lymphadenopathy
abdominal wall calcification
abdominal wall mass
abnormal abdominal vessels
abnormal azygoesophageal recess
abnormal configuration of cerebral ventricles
abnormal contour of calvarium
abnormal fibula
abnormal gas collection in pelvis
abnormal laryngeal cartilage
abnormal left upper quadrant abdominal gas collection
abnormal odontoid process
abnormal position of stomach
abnormal position of the heart
abnormal right upper quadrant abdominal gas collection
abnormal septum pellucidum
abnormal small bowel position
abnormal sternoclavicular joint
abnormal sternomanubrial synchondrosis
abnormality on splenic arteriography
absent clavicle
absent nose
absent or minimally ossified vertebrae
absent paranasal sinus
absent vertebral pedicle
acquired craniovertebral junction abnormality
acquired esophageal stenosis
acquired fused vertebrae
acquired posterior neural arch defect
acquired skull defect
acute diffuse fine reticular lung opacities
acute diffuse mediastinal widening
acute disseminated airspace opacity
acute lung injury and ards in children
acute mediastinitis
acute nonobstructive small bowel distention
acute pancreatitis
acute respiratory distress syndrome
acyanotic congenital heart disease with increased pulmonary vascularity
acyanotic congenital heart disease with normal pulmonary vascularity
adrenal calcification
adrenal enlargement
adrenal pseudotumor
adrenal tumor
advanced mastoid pneumatization
agenesis or hypoplasia of the corpus callosum
air-space opacity in leukemia or lymphoma
alveolar lung disease
aneurysm of abdominal aorta or its branches
annular abdominal calcification
annular lesion of colon
anomalous thoracic arterial communication
anomaly of inferior vena cava
anorectal anomaly
antegonial notching of the mandible
anterior beaked vertebrae in a child
anterior beaked vertebral body
anterior indentation on rectosigmoid junction
anterior mediastinal lesion
anterior third ventricle lesion
anterior urethral stricture
anterior vertebral scalloping
aortic aneurysm
aortic arch anomaly
aortic insufficiency
aortic valve disease
apophyseal lytic lesion
appendiceal mass
arterial aneurysm
arterial calcification
arterial dilatation
arterial dissection
arterial occlusion
arterial rupture
arterial tortuosity
arteriovenous fistulas
ascites in an infant or child
asymmetric bowel wall thickening
asymmetric lung size
asymmetrical sacroiliac joint abnormality
atlantoaxial instability
avascular intracranial mass
avascular or hypovascular liver lesion
avascular renal mass
avascular zone near the brain surface
axillary mass
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basal ganglion calcification
base of tongue mass
basilar cistern intense enhancement
basilar invagination
benign small bowel tumor
biconcave vertebra
bifid nose
bilateral adrenal enlargement
bilateral basilar lung disease
bilateral cheek masses
bilateral elevated diaphragm
bilateral flat diaphragm
bilateral hilar enlargement
bilateral hyperinflated lungs
bilateral large kidneys
bilateral or multiple cystic renal masses
bilateral pulmonary underaeration
bilateral small kidneys
bilaterally decreased renal contrast concentration
bilaterally enlarged and heterogeneous parotids
bile duct filling defect
bile duct narrowing or obstruction
biliary dilatation without jaundice or obstruction
biliary obstruction without dilatation
biliary system abnormality
biliary-enteric fistula
biliary-pleural fistula
biparietal bossing
bladder calculus
bladder diverticulum
bladder filling defect
bladder tumor
bladder wall calcification
bone lesion with fluid-fluid level
bone medullary space stenosis
bone-in-bone vertebra
bowel ischemia
bowel wall thickening with heterogeneous enhancement
bowel wall thickening with homogeneous enhancement
brain ischemia secondary to extracranial lesion
brain metastasis
brain tumor in an infant
branchial arch anomaly
bronchial lesion
bubbly lungs in infants and children
Budd-Chiari syndrome
bulbous nose
bulls-eye lesion of gastrointestinal tract
bulls-eye liver lesion
bulls-eye liver metastasis
bursal calcification
button sequestrum of skull
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calcification in a ligament
calcification in a tendon
calcification in bladder wall or lumen
calcification in gallbladder or common bile duct
calcification in lymph nodes
calcifications in female genital tract
calcified liver metastasis
calcified mediastinal mass
calcified pancreatic lesion
calcified pulmonary metastasis
calvarial hyperostosis
cardiac calcification
cardiac or pericardial neoplasm or cyst
cardiac valve thickening
cardiomegaly in childhood
carotid space mass
carpal fusion
cavernous transformation of portal vein
cavitary lung lesion in an infant or child
cecal distention
cecal lesion
centrilobular small lung nodules
cerebellar dysgenesis
cerebellar lesion
cerebellopontine angle lesion
cerebral arterial disease
cerebral gyriform calcification
cerebral infarction
cerebral vessel wall irregularity
cerebrovascular malformation
cervical kyphosis
cervical spine fusion
chemical-induced lung disease
cherubic facies
chest malformation
chest wall lesion
choanal atresia
choanal stenosis
choledochoenteric fistula
chondral calcification
choroidal mass
chronic air-space consolidation
chronic aspiration pneumonia in a child
chronic disseminated air-space opacity
chronic Kerley lines
chronic nonobstructive small bowel distention
chronic pulmonary lobar consolidation
chylous ascites
clavicle hypoplasia
cleft lip/palate
clubbing or destruction of renal calyces
coarctation of aorta
colon wall thickening
colonic distention without obstruction
colonic tumor
common origin of carotid arteries
complete atrioventricular canal
complex cystic adnexal mass
complex pancreatic lesion
complex pelvic mass
complicated atrial shunt
cone-shaped epiphysis
congenital abdominal calcifications
congenital atlantoaxial subluxation or instability
congenital biliary tract abnormality
congenital brain malformation
congenital cardiomyopathy
congenital craniovertebral junction abnormality
congenital fused vertebrae
congenital heart disease
congenital heart disease with anterior right aortic arch
congenital heart disease with decreased pulmonary vascularity
congenital hepatomegaly
congenital hydrocephalus
congenital intestinal malrotation
congenital lobar emphysema
congenital macrocephaly
congenital midface hypoplasia
congenital narrow spinal canal
congenital pharyngeal abnormality
congenital posterior neural arch defect
congenital premature craniosynostosis
congenital prognathism
congenital renal cystic disease
congenital renal or ureteral anomaly
congenital skull defect
congenital splenomegaly
congenital tracheal stenosis x
congenital vertebral abnormality
conical cecum
constrictive pericarditis
coronal cleft vertebrae
coronary artery abnormality
coronary artery aneurysm
cortical bone thickening
cortical nephrocalcinosis
craniotubular dysplasia
cuboid vertebrae
curvilinear intracranial calcification
cyanotic congenital heart disease with increased pulmonary vascularity
cyanotic congenital heart disease with precapillary hypertension vascularity
cyst-like mandibular lesion
cystic abdominal mass in a fetus or newborn
cystic adnexal mass
cystic adrenal lesion
cystic and saccular lesions of bile ducts with dilatation of intrahepatic bile ducts
cystic and saccular lesions of bile ducts with normal-sized intrahepatic bile ducts
cystic brain lesion
cystic brain tumor with mural nodule
cystic floor-of-mouth mass
cystic jaw lesion
cystic lesion in maxilla
cystic liver lesion
cystic liver metastasis
cystic mediastinal mass
cystic mesenteric lesion
cystic nasopharyngeal mass
cystic pancreatic mass
cystic pelvic mass
cystic renal mass
cystic renal mass with internal debris
cystic renal mass with wall calcification
cystic retroperitoneal mass
cystic salivary gland mass
cystic soft-tissue tumor
cystic structure near seminal vesicle
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decreased abdominal gas in a newborn
decreased abdominal gas in an adult
decreased cerebral vascular transit time
decreased cranial convolutional markings
decreased fold pattern in duodenum and small bowel
decreased intracranial vessel size
decreased nephrogram
decreased size of part of a kidney
defect in distal sternum
defective cranial ossification
defective dentition
deformity of gastric antrum
degenerative and metabolic disorders
degenerative joint changes
delayed dentition
delta phalanx
demyelinating disease
dense nephrogram
dense or thick skull
dense subchondral zone of vertebra
dense temporal bone lesion
densely sclerotic vertebra
dental periapical opacity
depressed nasal bridge
depression in renal margin
destructive lesion in petrous apex
destructive nasopharyngeal mass in a child
diaphragm dysfunction
diaphragmatic hernia
diffuse bowel wall thickening
diffuse demineralization of skull
diffuse gallbladder wall thickening
diffuse gyriform meningeal enhancement
diffuse hepatic calcifications
diffuse interstitial disease with pleural effusion
diffuse interstitial lung disease with associated lymphadenopathy
diffuse lipomatosis of the neck
diffuse mixed airspace-interstitial lung disease
diffuse peritoneal thickening
diffuse tracheal narrowing
diffusely dense calvarium
diffusely dense skull base
diffusely dense spleen
diffusely enlarged uterus
dilatation of ureter
dilated azygos vein
dilated bile ducts
dilated intrahepatic ducts
dilated pancreatic duct
dilated posterior urethra
dilated small bowel with normal mucosal folds
dilated small bowel with thick mucosal folds
diminished size of renal transplant
disk calcification
displacement of pelvic ureter
displacement of small bowel loops
displacement of the thoracic paraspinal line
dissecting aneurysm of the ascending aorta or arch
distended gallbladder in a child
diverticulum of lower esophagus
diverticulum of upper esophagus
double bubble sign
double tracking of barium in the distal colon
dumbbell-shaped tubular bones
duodenal dilatation without obstruction
duodenal wall thickening
dural sinus thrombosis
dysmyelinating disease
dysplastic sella turcica
dysplastic vertebral pedicle
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ear cartilage calcification
early femoral head ossification
early renal vein opacification
eggshell calcification in the chest
elongated sella turcica
emphysematous cholecystitis
encephalitis and meningitis
enhancing mediastinal mass
enhancing sellar lesion
enhancing suprasellar lesion
enlarged brainstem
enlarged epiglottis
enlarged foramen magnum
enlarged ileocecal valve
enlarged iliopsoas muscle
enlarged intervertebral foramen
enlarged orbital rectus muscles
enlarged papilla of vater
enlarged prostate
enlarged pulmonary veins
enlarged superior orbital fissure
enlarged vertebrae
enlarged vertebral pedicle
enlargement or erosion of sella turcica
ependymal enhancement
epiphyseal lytic lesion
epiphyseal necrosis
erosion of inner table of skull
erosion of mastoid
erosion of middle ear
erosion of sphenoid wing
erosion of the petrous ridge, pyramid, or apex
erosion of tympanic portion of petrous bone
erosion or widening of the internal auditory meatus
esophageal atresia
esophageal lesion in a child
esophageal rupture
esophageal varices
esophageal wall thickening
esophagobronchial fistula
expansile bone lesion
extensive pulmonary opacity with cavitation
external auditory canal stenosis
external auditory canal tumor
external ear calcification
external ear malformation
extra-axial lesion
extraconal orbital lesion
extradural spinal lesion
extraglobal calcification
extraorbital extracranial lesion extending to the orbit
extrinsic deformity of gallbladder
extrinsic impression on the cervical esophagus
extrinsic impression on thoracic esophagus
extrinsic indentation on duodenum
extrinsic pressure deformity of bladder
extrinsic vascular impression on esophagus
exudative pleural effusion
eyeball deformity
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facial asymmetry
facial canal lesion within temporal bone
facial cleft
facial nerve lesion outside the temporal bone
facial nerve palsy
fallopian tube calcification
fallopian tube mass
fat-attenuation mediastinal mass
fat-containing renal mass
fatty infiltration of pancreas
fatty liver
fatty mass in abdomen
fatty pancreas
fatty pancreatic lesion
fatty parapharyngeal space lesion
fatty tumor of the neck
fetal cranial deformity
fetal hepatosplenomegaly
fetal intra-abdominal calcification
filling defect in gastric remnant
filling defect in renal collecting system
filling defect in right ventricle
filling defect in stomach
fixed gallbladder filling defect
flat femoral head
flat occiput
flattened vertebral pedicle
floating teeth
fluid collection in scrotum
fluid level in a paranasal sinus
fluid-filled sinus mass
focal bladder wall thickening
focal bowel wall thickening
focal calcification in kidney
focal cystic or low density splenic lesion
focal defect in nephrogram
focal gallbladder wall thickening
focal high-attenuation liver lesion
focal hypodense liver lesion
focal renal parenchymal scar
focal vertebral sclerosis
focally dense calvarium
focally dense skull base
fold thickening of stomach and small bowel
fourth ventricle outlet obstruction
fourth ventricular lesion
fragmented femoral head
free fluid in cul-de-sac
frontal bossing
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gallstone ileus
gallstone or gallbladder sludge in a fetus or neonate
gallstone perforation
gas embolism
gas in bladder wall or lumen
gas in gallbladder or biliary tract
gas in pancreatic duct
gastric fold thickening
gastric outlet obstruction
gastrocolic or gastroduodenocolic fistula
gastrointestinal dysfunction
gastrointestinal system bleeding
gastrointestinal tract fistula
gastrointestinal tract thumbprinting
gastrointestinal tract ulcer
generalized bladder wall thickening
generalized irregular small bowel folds
generalized osteopenia or osteolysis of the jaws
generalized pulmonary arterial hypervascularity
generalized pulmonary arterial hypovascularity
generalized skull thinning
germ cell testicular tumor
globe calcification
ground-glass pulmonary opacity
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hair-on-end pattern in skull
hair-on-end skull
heart failure
heart failure in childhood
heart failure in the first month of life
heart failure in the first week of life
hemorrhagic liver lesion
hemorrhagic liver metastasis
hepatic adenoma
hepatic calcification
hepatic fibrosis
hepatic vein dilatation
hepatosplenomegaly in a neonate
high-attenuation bile
high-density renal cyst
high-output heart function
hilar displacement
hip dislocation
hip subluxation
homogeneously enhancing intracranial lesion
humerus-radius-ulna synostosis
hyperdense basilar cisterns
hyperdense intracranial lesion
hyperdense liver
hyperdense sellar lesion
hyperdense suprasellar lesion
hypersensitivity pneumonitis
hypertrophic osteoarthropathy
hypervascular liver lesion
hypervascular liver metastasis
hypervascular pancreatic lesion
hypervascular prostate lesion
hypodense brainstem lesion
hypodense sellar lesion
hypodense suprasellar lesion
hypodense supratentorial lesion
hypoenhancing liver metastasis
hypoplastic paranasal sinus
hypoplastic vertebral pedicle
hypospadias or ambiguous external genitalia
hypothalamic lesion
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ill-defined enlarged thyroid with extrathyroid extension
ill-defined expansile radiolucent jaw lesion
ill-defined lytic jaw lesion
ill-defined multifocal lung opacities
incomplete ossification of cranial sutures
increased attenuation of gallbladder lumen
increased cranial convolutional markings
increased intracranial pressure
increased intracranial vessel size
increased lung lucency
increased nuchal fold
increased pneumatization of mastoids
increased presacral space
increased prevertebral space in an adult
increased prevertebral space in infants or children
increased retrogastric or retroduodenal space
indistinct heart border on frontal chest radiograph
infectious lung disease
inferior vena cava obstruction
infiltrative liver metastasis
infratemporal fossa lesion
infratentorial intracranial tumor in a child
infundibular narrowing
inner ear anomaly
innumerable tiny nodules in small bowel or colon
internal jugular vein thrombosis
interradicular radiolucency in the jaw
interstitial emphysema of stomach
interstitial lung fibrosis
intervertebral disk calcification
intestinal lymphangiectasia
intestinal malrotation
intestinal obstruction
intestinal obstruction in a child
intestinal obstruction in an adult
intestinal pseudo-obstruction
intra-articular calcification
intracerebral hemorrhage
intracranial arteriovenous shunting
intracranial calcification
intracranial fat
intracranial hypervascularity
intracranial lesion in an infant
intracranial lesion involving the orbit
intradural extramedullary spinal lesion
intraluminal ureteral filling defect
intramedullary spinal lesion
intramural gastrointestinal tract hemorrhage
intraocular mass in a child
intraorbital calcification
intrarenal contrast collection
intrathoracic extramedullary hematopoiesis
intratracheal mass
intraventricular lesion
irregular epiphysis
irregular foramen magnum
ischemic heart disease
isodense intracranial lesion
isodense sellar lesion
isodense suprasellar lesion
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J-shaped sella turcica
joint subluxation
jugular foramen lesion
juxtadiaphragmatic lesions in children
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lack of filling of intracranial vessels
lacrimal gland enlargement
large abdominal gas pocket
large anterior canal of a vertebral body
large aortic arch
large ascending aorta
large bladder
large fontanelle
large foramen magnum
large head in infant
large kidney
large kidneys with multifocal masses
large main pulmonary artery
large orbit
large pelvic soft-tissue mass
large sella turcica
large tongue
large trachea
large vascular grooves of skull
large ventricle in infant
large ventricles and sulci
laryngeal anomaly
laryngeal asymmetry
laryngeal tumor
late onset of cyanosis in neonatal congenital heart disease
lateral deviation of upper ureter
lateral ventricle body lesion
layering abdominal calcifications
left atrial enlargement
left ventricular enlargement
left-to-right shunt in congenital heart disease
lesion of gastric fundus
lesion of hard palate
lesion of perinephric space
lesion of soft palate
lesions of the hypopharynx, larynx, and upper trachea
leukodystrophy / leukoencephalopathy
limb reduction
linear meningeal enhancement
linitis plastica pattern of stomach
lip defect
liver lesion and elevated alpha fetoprotein
liver lesion with calcification
liver lesion with central scar
liver lesion with contrast fill-in
liver lesion with fluid-fluid level
lobar atelectasis
lobar or segmental liver perfusion abnormality
localized bony defect about the optic canal
localized bulge of the calvarium or scalp
localized chronic pulmonary opacity
localized elevation of hemidiaphragm
localized gyriform meningeal enhancement
localized narrowing of esophagus
localized pulmonary vessel enlargement
localized skull thinning
localized sunburst pattern in skull
long linear lung shadow
loss of lamina dura of teeth
low-attenuation liver
low-set ears
lower abdominal calcification
lower abdominal mass in a neonate or child
lower lung disease
lung abscess
lung disease with eosinophilia
lung neoplasm
lytic jaw lesion with internal residual bone
lytic skeletal lesion
lytic vertebral lesion
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main pulmonary artery obstruction
malabsorption pattern in small bowel
malformed orbit
malformed patella
malignant primary bone neoplasm
malignant small bowel tumor
malposition of kidney
mandibular agenesis/dysgenesis
marked bowel wall thickening
marked cyanosis in first week of life
marked hilar lymphadenopathy
markedly enhancing intracranial lesion
mass displacing kidney
mass in a pulmonary cavity
mass-like perihilar opacity
massive cardiomegaly
massive pleural effusion
masticator space lesion
meconium plug in newborn
medial deviation of upper ureter
mediastinal abscess
mediastinal and/or hilar lymph node enlargement
mediastinal shift
medullary nephrocalcinosis
meningeal metastasis
metaphyseal irregularity
metaphyseal sclerosis
metastatic cervical lymphadenopathy
microcolon in newborn
middle cranial fossa lesion
middle ear anomaly
middle mediastinal lesion
midline supratentorial lesion
mild bowel wall thickening
mild or intermittent cyanosis in first week
miliary lung opacities
miliary lung opacities in a neonate or young infant
milk of calcium bile
minimal vertebral ossification
minimally enhancing intracranial lesion
misty mesentery
mitral insufficiency
mitral valve disease
mixed-radiopacity jaw lesion
moderately enhancing intracranial lesion
mucin-secreting liver metastasis
mucocele of gallbladder
mucoid impaction
multifocal intracranial lesions
multifocal thoracic calcification
multilocular jaw lesion
multilocular or complex renal mass
multiloculated cystic renal lesion
multiple cavitary lung lesions
multiple collapsed vertebrae
multiple discrete intraparotid lesions
multiple duodenal filling defects
multiple filling defects in colon
multiple hepatic cysts
multiple intracranial calcification
multiple intracranial enhancing lesions
multiple nerve tumors
multiple opaque jaw lesions
multiple osteosclerotic bone lesions
multiple pleural masses
multiple pulmonary nodules
multiple radiolucent bone lesions
multiple sclerotic foci in an infant or child
multiple small bowel filling defects
multiple solid liver lesions
multiple splenic calcifications
multiple ureteral filling defects
multiple well-defined radiolucent jaw lesions
mural ureteral filling defect
muscle enlargement
muscular atrophy
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narrow intervertebral disk space
narrow spinal canal
narrowed superior orbital fissure
nasal cavity lesion
nasal polyposis
nasal ridge mass in a child
nasal septum perforation
nasopharyngeal extension of intracranial neoplasm
nasopharyngeal lesion
neonatal renal mass
neonatal respiratory distress
neoplastic solitary intracranial mass
nephrogenic rests
nerve calcification
neuronal migration disorder
nodular pleural thickening
non-germ cell testicular tumor
non-obstructive gastric dilatation
nonfunction of part of kidney
nonneoplastic solitary intracranial mass
nonodontogenic radiolucent jaw lesion
nonvisceral abdominal calcification
nonvisualization of gallbladder
nuchal cystic hygroma
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obstruction of ureter
obstructive hydrocephalus
odontoid aplasia
odontoid hypoplasia
omega sella
opportunistic lung infection
optic atrophy
optic canal enlargement
optic nerve enlargement
optic nerve lesion
optic nerve sheath lesion
optic nerve tram-track sign
orbital bony defect
orbital mass
orbital wall sclerosis
oropharyngeal lesion
ovarian cyst
ovarian neoplasm or cyst in a child
ovarian tumor
oversegmentation of sternum
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pancreatic calcification
pancreatic calcification without mass
pancreatic duct stricture or filling defect with abnormal parenchyma
pancreatic duct stricture or filling defect with normal parenchyma
pancreatic dysplasia
pancreatic lesion characterized by blood
pancreatitis in a child
paralaryngeal cystic mass
paralyzed hemidiaphragm
paranasal sinus mass
paranasal sinus opacification
parapharyngeal space lesion
parasellar calcification
parasellar lesion
paraspinal soft-tissue mass
patchy liver
pathologic fracture
pectoral muscle deficiency
pediatric chest tumor
pediatric chest wall lesion
pedunculated intratracheal mass
peliosis hepatis
pelvic mass in an infant or child
perforated hollow viscus in an infant
periapical mixed-radiopacity jaw lesion
periapical radiolucency in jaw
periarticular calcification
peribronchovascular interstitial thickening
pericardial calcification
pericardial effusion
pericholecystic fluid
pericolic abscess
pericoronal mixed-radiopacity jaw lesion
pericoronal radiolucency in the jaw
perilymphatic small lung nodules
perinephric hematoma
periorbital soft-tissue swelling
periosteal cloaking
periosteal reaction involving the clavicle
peripelvic extravasation
peripheral lung lesion
peripheral rim enhancement of kidney
periportal edema
periportal lymphadenopathy
perirenal fluid collection
peritoneal disease
periventricular hypodense lesion
pharyngeal neoplasm
phrenic nerve paralysis or dysfunction
pineal region lesion
pleural calcification
pleural effusion containing eosinophiles
pleural effusion with disease in abdomen
pleural effusion with disease in thorax
pleural effusion with enlarged heart
pleural effusion with normal lungs
pleural mass
pleural thickening
pneumatosis intestinalis
pneumoperitoneum with peritonitis
porcelain gallbladder
portal hypertension
portal vein gas
portal vein obstruction
portal vein thrombosis
portal venous hypertension
posterior fossa cystic lesion
posterior fossa lesion
posterior fossa tumor in a child
posterior lateral ventricle lesion
posterior mediastinal lesion
posterior skull base lesion
posterior third ventricle lesion
posterior vertebral scalloping
premature craniosynostosis
premature epiphyseal fusion
premature laryngeal cartilage calcification
premature tracheobronchial cartilage calcification
presacral mass
primary brain tumor
prolonged cerebral vascular transit time
prosthetic valve regurgitation
proximal femoral deficiency
pterygopalatine fossa lesion
pubic bone nonossification
pulmonary arterial hypertension
pulmonary artery aneurysm
pulmonary artery calcification
pulmonary artery rupture
pulmonary artery stenosis
pulmonary disease in an immunodeficient patient
pulmonary edema
pulmonary embolism
pulmonary lobar consolidation
pulmonary lobar enlargement
pulmonary segmental consolidation
pyriform sinus mass
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radial ray hypoplasia
radiodense urinary calculus
radiolucent skull lesion
radiolucent urinary calculus
radiopaque hemithorax
randomly distributed small lung nodules
rectal disease
regenerating liver nodule
regular thickening of small bowel folds
renal artery aneurysm or microaneurysm
renal cystic disease
renal hemorrhage
renal ischemia
renal mass in a child
renal mass with calcification
renal papillary necrosis
renal parenchymal gas
renal parenchymal tumor
renal pseudotumor
renal vein thrombosis
residual intestinal barium
retrocardiac lesion
retrosternal mass
reverse butterfly pattern
ribbon-like ribs
right anterior cardiophrenic angle lesion
right anterior pararenal space abscess
right atrial enlargement
right ventricular enlargement
right-to-left atrial shunt
right-to-left shunt at ductus level
right-to-left shunt or admixture lesion in congenital heart disease
right-to-left ventricular shunt
ring-enhancing intracranial lesion
ring-shaped epiphysis
round vertebrae
ruptured gallbladder
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sacral agenesis or hypoplasia
sacral deformity
sacral neoplasm
sacrococcygeal appendage
sacrococcygeal mass
sacroiliac joint disease
salivary gland abnormality
salivary gland enlargement
salivary gland neoplasm
sclerosis of the orbital roof
sclerotic clavicle
sclerotic epiphysis
segmental atelectasis
segmental bowel wall thickening
segmental narrowing of colon
sellar lesion
seminal vesicle calcification
sentinel loop
separation of cranial sutures in a child
septated gallbladder
sesamoid lytic lesion
shaggy lung nodule
short narrow thoracic cage
short trachea
sinonasal lesion
sinus disease with bone destruction
skull asymmetry
skull base hypoplasia
skull metastasis
slipped capital femoral epiphysis
small anterior fontanelle
small aortic arch
small ascending aorta
small bladder
small bowel diverticulum
small bowel pseudodiverticulum
small bowel wall thickening
small cerebral ventricles
small foramen magnum
small gallbladder
small heart
small intervertebral foramen
small kidney
small lung nodules
small nose
small optic canal
small or nonvisualized spleen
small orbit
small parotid gland
small pleural effusion with subsegmental atelectasis
small sella turcica
small thymus in an infant
small urinary bladder
small ventricles and sulci
smooth colon
soft tissue in the middle ear
soft-tissue mediastinal mass
soft-tissue neck mass
soft-tissue tumor with fluid-fluid level
solid liver lesion in adult
solid liver lesion in an infant or young child
solid liver lesion in an older child or adolescent
solid mass in carotid sheath
solid mesenteric lesion
solid ovarian tumor
solid pancreatic mass
solid pelvic mass
solid renal mass
solitary collapsed vertebra
solitary esophageal filling defect
solitary filling defect in colon
solitary intracranial calcification
solitary intrinsic duodenal mass
solitary irregular cavitary lung lesion
solitary lesion of spleen
solitary lytic diaphyseal bone lesion
solitary lytic epiphyseal lesion
solitary lytic epiphyseal-metaphyseal lesion
solitary opacity in jaw
solitary osteolytic skull lesion
solitary osteosclerotic bone lesion
solitary pulmonary mass
solitary pulmonary nodule
solitary sharply-outlined cavitary lung lesion
solitary small bowel mass with preserved mucosa
solitary splenic calcification
solitary thoracic calcification
spina bifida aperta
spina bifida occulta
spinal block
spinal osteopenia
splenic calcification
splenic infarction
splenic vein obstruction
spontaneous liver rupture
spontaneous pneumoperitoneum without peritonitis
spool-shaped vertebrae
squaring of vertebral body
striated nephrogram
striations in thickened gallbladder wall
subclavian steal syndrome
subcutaneous tumor
subdural empyema
subependymal tumor spread
subglottic tracheal narrowing
sublingual space lesion
submandibular space lesion
subsegmental liver perfusion abnormality
superior mediastinal mass
superior mesenteric artery syndrome
superior vena cava syndrome
supraglottic mass
supratentorial intracranial tumor in a child
supravalvular aortic stenosis
symmetric bowel wall thickening
symmetrical sacroiliac joint abnormality
systemic-to-pulmonary vascular shunt
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tall vertebrae
tam-o-shanter skull
tarsal fusion
temporal bone neoplasm
temporal bone osteolysis
temporomandibular joint disease
terminal ileum lesion
testicular tumor in a child
thick skull
thick-walled lung cavity
thickened septum pellucidum
thickening of bile duct walls
thin clavicle
thin-walled lung cavity
third mogul sign
thoracolumbar gibbus
thymic enlargement
thyroid lesion
tibial hypoplasia
tongue abnormality
tortuous myelographic filling defect
toxic megacolon
tracheal agenesis
tracheal displacement
transudative pleural effusion
traumatic pharyngeal disorder
tricuspid insufficiency
trigeminal nerve lesion
tumor crossing an intervertebral disk
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underdeveloped mastoid
underdevelopment of mastoids
undersegmentation of sternum
unilateral adrenal enlargement
unilateral diffuse lung disease
unilateral exophthalmos
unilateral flat diaphragm
unilateral hilar enlargement
unilateral hyperlucency of chest
unilateral large kidney
unilateral nasal cavity mass
unilateral pulmonary arterial hypervascularity
unilateral pulmonary edema
unilateral renal nonfunction
unilateral sacroiliac joint abnormality
unilateral small cranium
unilateral small hilar shadow
unilateral small kidney
unilaterally decreased renal contrast concentration
unilaterally elevated diaphragm
unilocular cystic jaw lesion
upper abdominal mass in a neonate or child
upper airway obstruction in a child
upper lung disease
ureteral and renal pelvic calcification
ureteral extravasation or fistula
ureteral stricture
ureteral tumor
urethral tumor
urinary tract calculus
urinary tract obstruction below the bladder in a child
urothelial tumor
uterine anomaly
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vacuum disk phenomenon
vaginal fistula
vallecular mass
vapor-induced lung disease
vas deferens calcification
vascular abnormality of mediastinum
vascular indentation on ureter or renal pelvis
vascular middle ear mass
venous anomaly
venous dilatation
ventricular septal defect
ventricular wall nodule
vertebral anomaly
vertebral coronal cleft
vertebral malsegmentation
vertebral neoplasm
vertebral pedicle destruction
vertical talus
vertical trabeculation of vertebral body
vocal cord asymmetry
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water-attenuation mediastinal lesion
wedged vertebra
well-defined expansile radiolucent jaw lesion
wide intervertebral disk space
wide mediastinum
wide metaphysis
wide right tracheal stripe
wide spinal canal
wide superior mediastinum in an infant or child
widening of duodenal C-loop
widespread abdominal calcifications
widespread areas of bone destruction
widespread osteosclerosis
widespread osteosclerosis of medullary and cortical bone
widespread predominantly cortical osteosclerosis
widespread predominantly medullary osteosclerosis
widespread small irregular lung opacities
Wormian bones
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xanthomatous bone lesion