Musculoskeletal Radiology
635 gamuts
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abnormal contour of calvarium
abnormal fibula
abnormal odontoid process
abnormal proximal femur
abnormal scapula
abnormal sternoclavicular joint
abnormal sternomanubrial synchondrosis
abnormal sternum
absent bow-tie sign in knee meniscus
absent clavicle
absent digit
absent fibula
absent or minimally ossified vertebrae
absent thumb
absent tibia
absent vertebral pedicle
accessory carpal or tarsal bones
accessory epiphyses
acquired absence of phalanx, digit, hand, or foot
acquired acro-osteolysis of one digit
acquired craniovertebral junction abnormality
acquired fused vertebrae
acquired posterior neural arch defect
acquired short hands and feet
acquired skull defect
acromelic dwarfism
advanced bone age
advanced bone age in a newborn
anodontia or hypodontia
anterior beaked vertebrae in a child
anterior beaked vertebral body
anterior vertebral scalloping
apophyseal lytic lesion
arthritis with new bone formation
arthritis with osteoporosis
arthritis with soft-tissue nodules
arthritis with subluxation
arthritis with swan-neck deformity
arthritis without osteoporosis
asymmetrical sacroiliac joint abnormality
asymmetrical sacroiliac joint disease
asymmetrically large bones of one hand
asymmetrically small bones of one hand
atlantoaxial instability
avascular necrosis
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Baker cyst
band-like erosion of the midportion of a terminal phalanx
basilar invagination
battered child syndrome
beaded rib
benign bone neoplasm
benign fibrocystic bone lesion
benign synovial lesion
biconcave vertebra
biparietal bossing
blow-out bone lesion
body asymmetry
bone blister
bone duplication
bone infarct
bone lesion with fluid-fluid level
bone medullary space stenosis
bone sequestrum
bone tumor with periosteal reaction
bone-in-bone vertebra
bone-within-a-bone appearance
bony whiskering
bowed bones
bowed femur
bowed tubular bones
bridging of the pubic symphysis
broad distal phalanges
broad distal phalanx of thumb
broad middle phalanges
broad thumb
broad toe
broad tubular bones
bursal calcification
button sequestrum of skull
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calcaneal bone resorption
calcification about the fingertips
calcification in a ligament
calcification in a tendon
calcification in lymph nodes
calcified intra-articular body
calvarial hyperostosis
carpal and/or tarsal fusion
carpal fusion
cervical kyphosis
cervical spine fusion
chondral calcification
chronic lateral ankle pain
clavicle dysplasia
clavicle hypoplasia
clavicular lesion in an infant or child
cleft lip/palate
clinodactyly of fifth finger
cloverleaf skull deformity
clubbing of digits
cone-shaped epiphysis
congenital abnormality of great toe
congenital absence of phalanx, digit, hand, or foot
congenital atlantoaxial subluxation or instability
congenital coxa vara
congenital craniovertebral junction abnormality
congenital elbow anomaly
congenital foot deformity
congenital fused vertebrae
congenital generalized osteoporosis
congenital joint subluxation
congenital macrocephaly
congenital narrow spinal canal
congenital posterior neural arch defect
congenital premature craniosynostosis
congenital short hands and feet
congenital short limbs
congenital vertebral abnormality
congenital widespread osteosclerosis
congenitally abnormal pelvis
congenitally abnormal scapula
congenitally limited joint mobility
contracted hand
contracture of a digit
coronal cleft vertebrae
cortical bone thickening
coxa valga
coxa vara
craniotubular dysplasia
CSF-intensity intramedullary lesion
cuboid vertebrae
cutis laxa
cystic soft-tissue tumor
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decreased carpal angle
decreased cranial convolutional markings
decreased muscle mass
decreased number of ribs
decreased subcutaneous fat
defect in distal sternum
defective cranial ossification
defective pubic ossification
degenerative joint changes
delayed bone age
delayed closure of fontanelles
delayed ossification of the pubic bone
delta phalanx
dense epiphyses of hands and feet
dense or thick skull
dense subchondral zone of vertebra
dense temporal bone lesion
dense vertical metaphyseal lines
densely sclerotic vertebra
dental cyst
dental defect
destructive lesion in petrous apex
diametaphyseal bone lesion
diaphyseal bone lesion
diffuse demineralization of skull
diffusely dense calvarium
diffusely dense skull base
diffusely small cord
disk calcification
displaced elbow fat pad
disrupted epiphyseal-metaphyseal junction
distal clavicle defect
distal tapering of short tubular bones of the hands and feet
drumstick distal phalanges
dumbbell bones
dumbbell-shaped tubular bones
duplication of great toe
dysostosis multiplex
dysplastic sella turcica
dysplastic vertebral pedicle
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early femoral head ossification
ectopic thumb
elbow dislocation
eleven pairs of ribs
elongated clavicle
elongated sella turcica
enhancing spinal cord lesion
enlarged distal femoral intercondylar notch
enlarged foramen magnum
enlarged intervertebral foramen
enlarged medial femoral condyle
enlarged nerve roots
enlarged orbital rectus muscles
enlarged thumb
enlarged vertebrae
enlarged vertebral pedicle
enlargement or erosion of sella turcica
epiphyseal lytic lesion
epiphyseal necrosis
Erlenmeyer flask deformity
erosion of cortical bone surface
erosion of inner table of skull
erosion of mastoid
erosion of sphenoid wing
erosion of the petrous ridge, pyramid, or apex
erosion of tympanic portion of petrous bone
erosion or widening of the internal auditory meatus
excess callus formation
expansile bone lesion
extradural lesion with abnormal adjacent bone
extradural lesion with normal adjacent bone
extradural spinal lesion
extramedullary intradural signal void
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facial asymmetry
facial hypoplasia
femoral head dysplasia
fibrous tumor
fingertip calcification
flaring of ribs
flat femoral head
flat occiput
flattened vertebral pedicle
floating teeth
focal vertebral sclerosis
focally dense calvarium
focally dense skull base
focally small spinal cord
forearm deformity
fragmented femoral head
fragmented or irregular femoral head
fragmented, irregular, or sclerotic carpal or tarsal bones
frontal bossing
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gangrene of finger or toe
gas within bone
generalized asymmetry of hand bones
generalized large epiphyses
generalized osteoporosis
generalized skull thinning
generalized small epiphyses
generalized wide epiphyseal plate
genu valgum
genu varum
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hair-on-end pattern in skull
hair-on-end skull
hand contracture
hip dislocation
hip subluxation
hooked clavicle
humeral head deformity
humerus-radius-ulna synostosis
hypertrophic osteoarthropathy
hypoplastic fibula
hypoplastic pelvis
hypoplastic terminal phalanges
hypoplastic thumb
hypoplastic vertebral pedicle
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incomplete ossification of cranial sutures
increased bone age
increased carpal angle
increased cranial convolutional markings
increased muscle mass
increased soft-tissue interstitial markings
increased subcutaneous fat
indistinct epiphyses
indistinct frayed metaphyses
infrapatellar mass in Hoffa fat pad
intermediate T1 intensity diffuse vertebral body abnormality
intermuscular soft-tissue tumor
intervertebral disk calcification
intra-articular calcification
intra-articular or juxta-articular soft-tissue tumor
intradural extramedullary spinal lesion
intramedullary spinal lesion
intramuscular soft-tissue tumor
irregular epiphyseal ossification centers
irregular epiphysis
irregular foramen magnum
isolated tibial bowing
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J-shaped sella turcica
joint effusion
joint laxity
joint subluxation
joint-crossing bone lesion
juxta-articular soft-tissue mass
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large anterior canal of a vertebral body
large destructive bone lesion
large epiphysis
large fontanelle
large foramen magnum
large hands for age
large thumb
large vascular grooves of skull
late-onset dwarfism
lethal skeletal dysplasia
limb asymmetry
limb overgrowth
limb reduction
limited joint mobility
localized bone overgrowth
localized bony defect about the optic canal
localized brachydactyly
localized bulge of the calvarium or scalp
localized cortical bone thickening
localized large epiphyses
localized periosteal reaction
localized skull thinning
localized small epiphyses
localized soft-tissue calcification
localized sunburst pattern in skull
localized wide epiphyseal plate
long rib lesion
long thin bones
longitudinal metaphyseal-diaphyseal striations
loss of inner cortical bone margin
lucent bone lesion with sclerotic rim
lucent defect in bones of hands, wrists, feet, or ankles
lucent lesion of the calcaneus
lymph node filling defect
lytic patellar lesion
lytic phalangeal lesion
lytic skeletal lesion
lytic vertebral lesion
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Madelung deformity
male-predominant arthritis
malformed patella
malignant primary bone neoplasm
mandibular agenesis/dysgenesis
marfanoid appearance
medial proximal metaphyseal erosion of the long bones
mesomelic dwarfism
mesomelic limb shortness
metaphyseal bone lesion
metaphyseal cupping
metaphyseal fragmentation
metaphyseal irregularity
metaphyseal sclerosis
metaphyseal spur
metastasis to subarachnoid space
metatarsus adductus
minimal vertebral ossification
monoarticular joint disease
multifocal soft-tissue tumor
multiple abnormal epiphyses
multiple calcaneal ossification centers
multiple collapsed vertebrae
multiple expanding rib lesions
multiple fractures
multiple intra-articular filling defects
multiple osteosclerotic bone lesions
multiple radiolucent bone lesions
multiple sclerotic foci in an infant or child
muscle enlargement
muscular atrophy
muscular dystrophy
musculoskeletal lesion with adjacent edema
myotonic disorder
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narrow intervertebral disk space
narrow pelvis in an infant or child
narrow spinal canal
narrowed joint space
natal teeth
nerve calcification
nerve root enhancement
neuropathic arthropathy
neuropathic bone changes of the hands or feet
non-neoplastic bone lesion
notching of the superior rib margins
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odontoid aplasia
odontoid hypoplasia
omega sella
orbital bony defect
orbital wall sclerosis
osteolytic lesion with calcium attenuation
osteolytic metastasis
oversegmentation of sternum
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paraspinal soft-tissue mass
patella alta
patella baja
pathologic fracture
pectoral muscle deficiency
pectus carinatum
pectus excavatum
pediatric chest wall lesion
pelvic exostosis
periarticular calcification
periosteal cloaking
periosteal new bone formation in a child
periosteal reaction involving the clavicle
permeative osteolytic lesion
plantar calcaneal spur
polyarticular joint disease
polyostotic bone lesions in adults
polyostotic bone lesions in an infant or young child
polyostotic bone lesions in children
postaxial polydactyly
posterior vertebral scalloping
preaxial polydactyly
premature craniosynostosis
premature epiphyseal fusion
premature osteoarthritis
presacral mass
prominent occiput
proton density-hyperintense supraspinatus tendon
protrusio acetabuli
proximal femoral deficiency
proximal tapering of short tubular bones of the hands and feet
pubic bone nonossification
punctate epiphyseal calcification
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radial ray hypoplasia
radial ray syndrome
radiohumeral synostosis
radiolucent metaphyseal bands
radiolucent skull lesion
regional osteoporosis
resorption of distal clavicle
retarded skeletal maturation
rheumatoid-like arthritis
rhizomelic dwarfism
rhizomelic limb shortness
rib anomaly
rib gap
rib lesion in a child
rib notching
ribbon-like ribs
ring epiphyses
ring-shaped epiphysis
round cell bone lesion
round vertebrae
round-cell soft-tissue lesion
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sacral agenesis or hypoplasia
sacral deformity
sacral neoplasm
sacrococcygeal appendage
sacrococcygeal mass
sacroiliac joint disease
scapular lesion in an infant or child
scattered decreased and increased bone density
sclerosing bone dysplasia
sclerosis of bone with periosteal reaction
sclerosis of the orbital roof
sclerotic clavicle
sclerotic epiphysis
sclerotic foot bone lesion
sclerotic hand bone lesion
secondary osteoarthritis of the hip
separation of cranial sutures in a child
serrated iliac crest
serrated iliac crests
sesamoid lytic lesion
shallow glenoid fossa
short and broad distal phalanges of hand
short broad distal phalanx of thumb
short fibula
short first metacarpal
short first metatarsal
short foot
short fourth metacarpal
short hand
short metacarpal
short metatarsal
short metatarsals
short middle phalanges
short proximal phalanx
short rib lesion
short ribs
short squat bones
short thin distal phalanx of thumb
short thumb
shortened bone with premature growth-plate closure
single maxillary central incisor
skull asymmetry
skull base hypoplasia
slender clavicle
slender tubular long bones
slipped capital femoral epiphysis
small acetabular angle
small anterior fontanelle
small epiphysis
small intervertebral foramen
small or dysplastic carpal and/or tarsal bones
small sacroiliac notches
small sciatic notch
soft-tissue calcification
soft-tissue gas
soft-tissue mass with adjacent bone erosion
soft-tissue ossification
soft-tissue tumor in a child
soft-tissue tumor in a young adult
soft-tissue tumor in an older adult
soft-tissue tumor with associated calcification
soft-tissue tumor with fluid-fluid level
soft-tissue tumor with prominent vascularity
solitary bone lesion with expansile remodeling
solitary collapsed vertebra
solitary ill-defined lytic metaphyseal lesion
solitary large calcified soft tissue mass adjacent to bone
solitary lytic diaphyseal bone lesion
solitary lytic epiphyseal lesion
solitary lytic epiphyseal-metaphyseal lesion
solitary osteolytic skull lesion
solitary osteosclerotic bone lesion
solitary permeative metaphyseal lesion
solitary poorly demarcated osteolytic bone lesion
solitary well-defined lytic metaphyseal lesion
solitary well-demarcated lytic bone lesion
spiculated periosteal reaction
spina bifida aperta
spina bifida occulta
spinal block
spinal osteopenia
split cortex
spool-shaped vertebrae
squaring of vertebral body
stippled epiphyses
straight fetal spine
subcutaneous tumor
subperiosteal bone resorption
supernumerary rib
symmetrical anterior rib flaring
symmetrical sacroiliac joint abnormality
symmetrical sacroiliac joint disease
synostosis of tubular bones
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T1-hyperintense diffuse vertebral body abnormality
T1-hypointense diffuse vertebral body abnormality
T2-hyperintense supraspinatus tendon
T2-hypointense intra-articular knee mass
T2-hypointense musculoskeletal lesion
tall vertebrae
tam-o-shanter skull
tarsal fusion
temporal bone neoplasm
thick clavicle
thick heel pad
thick periosteal reaction along bone shaft
thick ribs
thick skull
thick tubular hand bones
thin and small distal phalanges of the hand
thin clavicle
thin epiphyses
thin ribs
thirteen pairs of ribs
thoracic dysplasia
thoracolumbar gibbus
tibial hypoplasia
tibiotalar tilt
transient arthritis
transverse dense metaphyseal bands
trident pelvis
triphalangeal thumb
tubular bone synostosis
tumor crossing an intervertebral disk
tumor-induced osteomalacia
tumor-like bone destruction with little periosteal reaction
tumor-like bone surface lesion
twisted bones
type A pelvis
type B pelvis
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ulnar ray hypoplasia
ulnar ray syndrome
undersegmentation of sternum
unilateral sacroiliac joint abnormality
unilateral sacroiliac joint disease
unilateral small cranium
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vacuum disk phenomenon
vascular calcification
vascular deossification
vertebral anomaly
vertebral coronal cleft
vertebral malsegmentation
vertebral neoplasm
vertebral pedicle destruction
vertebral pedicle sclerosis
vertical talus
vertical trabeculation of vertebral body
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wavy ribs
wedged vertebra
well-defined infectious bone lesion
wide diametaphysis
wide intervertebral disk space
wide metaphyses
wide metaphysis
wide pubic symphysis
wide ribs
wide spinal canal
wide sutures
wide thumb
widened joint space
widespread areas of bone destruction
widespread cortical bone thickening
widespread cortical bone thinning
widespread demineralization with coarse trabeculation
widespread osteosclerosis
widespread osteosclerosis of medullary and cortical bone
widespread periosteal reaction
widespread predominantly cortical osteosclerosis
widespread predominantly medullary osteosclerosis
widespread soft-tissue calcification
Wormian bones
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xanthomatous bone lesion