Neuroradiology NR

361 gamuts



abnormal configuration of cerebral ventricles
abnormal contour of calvarium
abnormal odontoid process
abnormal septum pellucidum
abnormal ventricular configuration
absent or minimally ossified vertebrae
absent vertebral pedicle
acquired craniovertebral junction abnormality
acquired fused vertebrae
acquired posterior neural arch defect
acquired skull defect
agenesis or hypoplasia of the corpus callosum
anterior beaked vertebrae in a child
anterior third ventricle lesion
anterior vertebral scalloping
asymmetrically enlarged lateral ventricles
atlantoaxial instability
avascular intracranial mass
avascular zone near the brain surface

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basal ganglion calcification
basilar cistern intense enhancement
basilar invagination
biconcave vertebra
biparietal bossing
bone-in-bone vertebra
brain ischemia secondary to extracranial lesion
brain metastasis
brain tumor in an infant
button sequestrum of skull

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cerebellar dysgenesis
cerebellar lesion
cerebellar mass in a child
cerebellar mass in an adult
cerebellopontine angle lesion
cerebral arterial disease
cerebral embolism
cerebral gyriform calcification
cerebral infarction
cerebral vasculitis
cerebral vessel wall irregularity
cerebrospinal fluid rhinorrhea
cerebrovascular malformation
cervical kyphosis
cervical spine fusion
cherubic facies
choroidal mass
communicating hydrocephalus
congenital atlantoaxial subluxation or instability
congenital brain malformation
congenital craniovertebral junction abnormality
congenital fused vertebrae
congenital hydrocephalus
congenital macrocephaly
congenital narrow spinal canal
congenital posterior neural arch defect
congenital premature craniosynostosis
congenital vertebral abnormality
coronal cleft vertebrae
cranial nerve paresis or paralysis
craniotubular dysplasia
cranium bifidum
CSF-intensity brainstem lesion
CSF-intensity extraaxial fluid collection
CSF-intensity extracranial mass
CSF-intensity intramedullary lesion
CSF-intensity intraventricular mass
CSF-intensity posterior fossa lesion
CSF-intensity sellar/suprasellar lesion
CSF-intensity subarachnoid space lesion
cuboid vertebrae
curvilinear intracranial calcification
cystic brain lesion
cystic brain tumor with mural nodule

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decreased cerebral vascular transit time
decreased cranial convolutional markings
decreased intracranial vessel size
defective cranial ossification
degenerative and metabolic disorders
delayed closure of fontanelles
demyelinating disease
dense intracranial calcification
dense or thick skull
dense subchondral zone of vertebra
dense temporal bone lesion
densely sclerotic vertebra
diffuse demineralization of skull
diffuse gyriform meningeal enhancement
diffuse leptomeningeal enhancement
diffusely dense calvarium
diffusely dense skull base
diffusely small cord
disk calcification
dural sinus thrombosis
dysmyelinating disease
dysplastic sella turcica
dysplastic vertebral pedicle

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echogenic brain lesion
elongated sella turcica
encephalitis and meningitis
enhancing extraaxial intracranial mass
enhancing mass in cerebellopontine angle cistern
enhancing sellar lesion
enhancing spinal cord lesion
enhancing suprasellar lesion
enlarged brainstem
enlarged foramen magnum
enlarged intervertebral foramen
enlarged nerve roots
enlarged superior ophthalmic vein
enlarged vertebrae
enlarged vertebral pedicle
enlargement or erosion of sella turcica
ependymal enhancement
erosion of inner table of skull
erosion of sphenoid wing
erosion of the petrous ridge, pyramid, or apex
erosion or widening of the internal auditory meatus
expansile bone lesion
extra-axial lesion
extradural lesion with abnormal adjacent bone
extradural lesion with normal adjacent bone
extradural spinal lesion
extramedullary intradural signal void
extraocular muscle enlargement

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facial asymmetry
facial nerve palsy
fetal cranial deformity
flat occiput
flattened vertebral pedicle
focal leptomeningeal enhancement
focal vertebral sclerosis
focally dense calvarium
focally dense skull base
focally small spinal cord
fourth ventricle outlet obstruction
fourth ventricular lesion
frontal bossing

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generalized skull thinning
globe lesion
gyriform cortical/subcortical T1 hyperintensity
gyriform cortical/subcortical T2 hypointensity

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hair-on-end pattern in skull
heterogeneous T1-hypointense intracranial lesion
heterogeneous T2-hyperintense intracranial lesion
high-resistance internal carotid artery flow
homogeneous T1-hypointense intracranial lesion
homogeneous T2-hyperintense intracranial lesion
homogeneously enhancing intracranial lesion
hyperdense basilar cisterns
hyperdense intracranial lesion
hyperdense sellar lesion
hyperdense suprasellar lesion
hypodense brainstem lesion
hypodense sellar lesion
hypodense suprasellar lesion
hypodense supratentorial lesion
hypoplastic vertebral pedicle
hypothalamic hamartoblastoma syndrome
hypothalamic lesion

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incomplete ossification of cranial sutures
increased cranial convolutional markings
increased intracranial pressure
increased intracranial vessel size
infratemporal fossa lesion
infratentorial intracranial tumor in a child
intermediate T1 intensity diffuse vertebral body abnormality
intervertebral disk calcification
intracerebral hemorrhage
intracranial arteriovenous shunting
intracranial calcification
intracranial fat
intracranial hypervascularity
intracranial lesion in an infant
intracranial lesion with hypointense ring
intracranial MRI signal void
intradural extramedullary spinal lesion
intramedullary spinal lesion
intraventricular lesion
intraventricular signal void
irregular foramen magnum
isodense intracranial lesion
isodense sellar lesion
isodense suprasellar lesion

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J-shaped sella turcica
jugular foramen lesion

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lack of filling of intracranial vessels
large anterior canal of a vertebral body
large foramen magnum
large head in infant
large orbit
large vascular grooves of skull
large ventricle in infant
large ventricles and sulci
lateral extraconal lesion
lateral ventricle body lesion
lens dislocation
lens opacity
leukodystrophy / leukoencephalopathy
linear meningeal enhancement
localized bulge of the calvarium or scalp
localized gyriform meningeal enhancement
localized skull thinning
localized sunburst pattern in skull
low-velocity internal carotid artery flow
lytic vertebral lesion

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markedly enhancing intracranial lesion
meningeal metastasis
metastasis to subarachnoid space
middle cranial fossa lesion
midline supratentorial lesion
minimal vertebral ossification
minimally enhancing intracranial lesion
moderately enhancing intracranial lesion
multifocal intracranial lesions
multiple collapsed vertebrae
multiple intracranial calcification
multiple intracranial enhancing lesions
multiple nerve tumors
muscular dystrophy

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narrow intervertebral disk space
narrow spinal canal
nasopharyngeal extension of intracranial neoplasm
neck mass
neoplastic solitary intracranial mass
nerve root enhancement
neurocutaneous syndrome
neuronal migration disorder
nonenhancing extraaxial mass
nonenhancing mass in the cerebellopontine angle cistern
nonenhancing pachymeningeal lesion
nonneoplastic solitary intracranial mass

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obstructive hydrocephalus
odontoid aplasia
odontoid hypoplasia
omega sella
optic atrophy
optic canal enlargement
optic nerve enlargement
optic nerve lesion
optic nerve sheath lesion
optic nerve tram-track sign
orbital wall lesion
osseous paranasal sinus lesion

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pachymeningeal enhancement
parasellar calcification
parasellar lesion
parasellar signal void
paraspinal soft-tissue mass
parenchymal brain hemorrhage
periventricular hypodense lesion
periventricular T2 hyperintense lesion
pineal region lesion
posterior fossa cystic lesion
posterior fossa lesion
posterior fossa tumor in a child
posterior lateral ventricle lesion
posterior skull base lesion
posterior third ventricle lesion
posterior vertebral scalloping
premature craniosynostosis
primary brain tumor
prolonged cerebral vascular transit time
prominent occiput

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radiolucent skull lesion
retrobulbar mass
ring-enhancing intracranial lesion
round vertebrae

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sacral agenesis or hypoplasia
sacral deformity
sacrococcygeal appendage
sacrococcygeal mass
sacroiliac joint disease
salivary gland lesion
sclerosis of the orbital roof
sellar lesion
separation of cranial sutures in a child
sinonasal mass with bony erosion
sinonasal mass with bony remodeling without erosion
sinonasal mass without bone changes
skull asymmetry
skull base hypoplasia
skull base lesion
skull metastasis
small anterior fontanelle
small cerebral ventricles
small foramen magnum
small intervertebral foramen
small optic canal
small orbit
small ventricles and sulci
solitary collapsed vertebra
solitary intracranial calcification
solitary osteolytic skull lesion
spina bifida aperta
spina bifida occulta
spinal block
spinal osteopenia
spool-shaped vertebrae
squaring of vertebral body
subclavian steal syndrome
subdural empyema
subependymal signal void
subependymal tumor spread
superior ophthalmic vein thrombosis
supratentorial intracranial tumor in a child
symmetrical sacroiliac joint abnormality

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T1-hyperintense diffuse vertebral body abnormality
T1-hyperintense extracranial mass
T1-hyperintense intracranial lesion
T1-hypointense brainstem lesion
T1-hypointense diffuse vertebral body abnormality
T1-hypointense extracranial mass
T1-hypointense intracranial lesion
T1-isointense intracranial lesion
T2-hyperintense gyriform cortical lesion
T2-hyperintense intracranial lesion
T2-hypointense intracranial lesion
T2-isointense intracranial lesion
tall vertebrae
tam-o-shanter skull
temporal bone neoplasm
thickened septum pellucidum
thoracolumbar gibbus
tortuous myelographic filling defect
trigeminal nerve lesion
tumor crossing an intervertebral disk

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unilateral small cranium

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vacuum disk phenomenon
vascular sinonasal mass with flow voids
ventricular wall nodule
vertebral anomaly
vertebral coronal cleft
vertebral malsegmentation
vertebral neoplasm
vertebral pedicle destruction
vertebral pedicle sclerosis
vertical trabeculation of vertebral body

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wedged vertebra
wide intervertebral disk space
wide spinal canal