
Lymphangiomas are malformations of the lymphatic system characterized by lesions that are thin-walled cysts; these cysts can be macroscopic, as in a cystic hygroma, or microscopic. The lymphatic system is the network of vessels responsible for returning to the venous system excess fluid from tissues as well as the lymph nodes that filter this fluid for signs of pathogens. [Source: Wikipedia ]

Is A
Cystic liver tumor
Liver neoplasm
May Cause
Abdominal calcification in an infant or child
Adrenal tumor
Annular abdominal calcification
Anterior mediastinal lesion
Axillary mass
Benign bone neoplasm
Benign small bowel tumor
Bone blister
Cardiac or pericardial neoplasm or cyst
Chest malformation
Chest wall lesion
Chylous ascites
Cystic abdominal mass in a fetus or newborn
Cystic floor-of-mouth mass
Cystic mediastinal mass
Cystic retroperitoneal mass
Cystic salivary gland mass
Diametaphyseal bone lesion
Enlarged epiglottis
Extraconal orbital lesion
Extraocular muscle enlargement
Fetal neck mass
Floating teeth
Hypoenhancing liver lesion
Increased prevertebral space in an adult
Increased prevertebral space in infants or children
Increased soft-tissue interstitial markings
Intraorbital calcification
Large destructive bone lesion
Limb asymmetry
Limb overgrowth
Localized bone overgrowth
Lucent lesion of the calcaneus
Masticator space lesion
Middle mediastinal lesion
Multifocal soft-tissue tumor
Nasopharyngeal lesion
Nonvisceral abdominal calcification
Orbital mass
Orbital wall lesion
Oropharyngeal lesion
Paralaryngeal cystic mass
Pediatric chest wall lesion
Radiolucent skull lesion
Renal parenchymal tumor
Retrobulbar mass
Rib lesion in a child
Salivary gland enlargement
Salivary gland lesion
Salivary gland neoplasm
Scapular lesion in an infant or child
Short rib lesion
Sinonasal lesion
Soft-tissue mass with adjacent bone erosion
Soft-tissue mediastinal mass
Soft-tissue neck mass
Soft-tissue tumor with fluid-fluid level
Solid mass in carotid sheath
Solid mesenteric lesion
Solitary bone lesion with expansile remodeling
Solitary intrinsic duodenal mass
Solitary osteolytic skull lesion
Solitary poorly demarcated osteolytic bone lesion
Subglottic tracheal narrowing
Sublingual space lesion
Submandibular space lesion
Superior mediastinal mass
T1-hypointense extracranial mass
Tracheal displacement
Unilateral exophthalmos
Upper airway obstruction in a child
Urethral filling defect
Urothelial tumor
Vallecular mass
Vascular indentation on ureter or renal pelvis
Water-attenuation mediastinal lesion
Wide superior mediastinum in an infant or child
Abdominal calcification in an infant or child
Adrenal tumor
Annular abdominal calcification
Anterior mediastinal lesion
Axillary mass
Benign bone neoplasm
Benign small bowel tumor
Bone blister
Cardiac or pericardial neoplasm or cyst
Chest malformation
Chest wall lesion
Chylous ascites
Cystic abdominal mass in a fetus or newborn
Cystic floor-of-mouth mass
Cystic mediastinal mass
Cystic retroperitoneal mass
Cystic salivary gland mass
Diametaphyseal bone lesion
Enlarged epiglottis
Extraconal orbital lesion
Extraocular muscle enlargement
Fetal neck mass
Floating teeth
Hypoenhancing liver lesion
Increased prevertebral space in an adult
Increased prevertebral space in infants or children
Increased soft-tissue interstitial markings
Intraorbital calcification
Large destructive bone lesion
Limb asymmetry
Limb overgrowth
Localized bone overgrowth
Lucent lesion of the calcaneus
Masticator space lesion
Middle mediastinal lesion
Multifocal soft-tissue tumor
Nasopharyngeal lesion
Nonvisceral abdominal calcification
Orbital mass
Orbital wall lesion
Oropharyngeal lesion
Paralaryngeal cystic mass
Pediatric chest wall lesion
Radiolucent skull lesion
Renal parenchymal tumor
Retrobulbar mass
Rib lesion in a child
Salivary gland enlargement
Salivary gland lesion
Salivary gland neoplasm
Scapular lesion in an infant or child
Short rib lesion
Sinonasal lesion
Soft-tissue mass with adjacent bone erosion
Soft-tissue mediastinal mass
Soft-tissue neck mass
Soft-tissue tumor with fluid-fluid level
Solid mass in carotid sheath
Solid mesenteric lesion
Solitary bone lesion with expansile remodeling
Solitary intrinsic duodenal mass
Solitary osteolytic skull lesion
Solitary poorly demarcated osteolytic bone lesion
Subglottic tracheal narrowing
Sublingual space lesion
Submandibular space lesion
Superior mediastinal mass
T1-hypointense extracranial mass
Tracheal displacement
Unilateral exophthalmos
Upper airway obstruction in a child
Urethral filling defect
Urothelial tumor
Vallecular mass
Vascular indentation on ureter or renal pelvis
Water-attenuation mediastinal lesion
Wide superior mediastinum in an infant or child