
A sarcoma is a malignant tumor, a type of cancer that arises from transformed cells of mesenchymal (connective tissue) origin. Connective tissue is a broad term that includes bone, cartilage, fat, vascular, or hematopoietic tissues, and sarcomas can arise in any of these types of tissues. [Source: Wikipedia ]

Is A
Mesenchymal tumor
May Cause
Avascular zone near the brain surface
Bladder filling defect
Bronchopleural fistula
Calcified liver metastasis
Cerebellar lesion
Chest wall lesion
Cystic liver metastasis
Diffuse gyriform meningeal enhancement
Enlarged prostate
Erosion of cortical bone surface
Extradural spinal lesion
Extraorbital extracranial lesion extending to the orbit
Floating teeth
Focal defect in nephrogram
Hypervascular liver metastasis
Ill-defined enlarged thyroid with extrathyroid extension
Increased presacral space
Increased retrogastric or retroduodenal space
Intestinal obstruction in a child
Intratracheal mass
Large vascular grooves of skull
Laryngeal tumor
Lesion of gastric fundus
Lesion of hard palate
Lesion of perinephric space
Lesion of soft palate
Lesions of the hypopharynx, larynx, and upper trachea
Liver neoplasm
Localized bulge of renal outline
Lucent lesion of the calcaneus
Lymph node filling defect
Mass in a pulmonary cavity
Mucosal destruction of small bowel
Neoplastic solitary intracranial mass
Orbital bony defect
Orbital mass
Pancreatic lesion characterized by blood
Paranasal sinus opacification
Parapharyngeal space lesion
Paraspinal soft-tissue mass
Pediatric chest tumor
Peritoneal disease
Posterior mediastinal lesion
Presacral mass
Renal mass with calcification
Rib lesion in a child
Sacrococcygeal mass
Sacroiliac joint disease
Salivary gland lesion
Salivary gland neoplasm
Scapular lesion in an infant or child
Segmental narrowing of colon
Sinonasal mass with bony remodeling without erosion
Soft-tissue mediastinal mass
Solid pancreatic mass
Solid renal mass
Solitary esophageal filling defect
Solitary filling defect in colon
Solitary small bowel mass with preserved mucosa
Spinal block
Splenic sarcoma
T1-isointense intracranial lesion
T2-hypointense myometrial uterine mass
T2-intermediate endometrial uterine mass
T2-isointense intracranial lesion
Unilateral large kidney
Urethral tumor
Avascular zone near the brain surface
Bladder filling defect
Bronchopleural fistula
Calcified liver metastasis
Cerebellar lesion
Chest wall lesion
Cystic liver metastasis
Diffuse gyriform meningeal enhancement
Enlarged prostate
Erosion of cortical bone surface
Extradural spinal lesion
Extraorbital extracranial lesion extending to the orbit
Floating teeth
Focal defect in nephrogram
Hypervascular liver metastasis
Ill-defined enlarged thyroid with extrathyroid extension
Increased presacral space
Increased retrogastric or retroduodenal space
Intestinal obstruction in a child
Intratracheal mass
Large vascular grooves of skull
Laryngeal tumor
Lesion of gastric fundus
Lesion of hard palate
Lesion of perinephric space
Lesion of soft palate
Lesions of the hypopharynx, larynx, and upper trachea
Liver neoplasm
Localized bulge of renal outline
Lucent lesion of the calcaneus
Lymph node filling defect
Mass in a pulmonary cavity
Mucosal destruction of small bowel
Neoplastic solitary intracranial mass
Orbital bony defect
Orbital mass
Pancreatic lesion characterized by blood
Paranasal sinus opacification
Parapharyngeal space lesion
Paraspinal soft-tissue mass
Pediatric chest tumor
Peritoneal disease
Posterior mediastinal lesion
Presacral mass
Renal mass with calcification
Rib lesion in a child
Sacrococcygeal mass
Sacroiliac joint disease
Salivary gland lesion
Salivary gland neoplasm
Scapular lesion in an infant or child
Segmental narrowing of colon
Sinonasal mass with bony remodeling without erosion
Soft-tissue mediastinal mass
Solid pancreatic mass
Solid renal mass
Solitary esophageal filling defect
Solitary filling defect in colon
Solitary small bowel mass with preserved mucosa
Spinal block
Splenic sarcoma
T1-isointense intracranial lesion
T2-hypointense myometrial uterine mass
T2-intermediate endometrial uterine mass
T2-isointense intracranial lesion
Unilateral large kidney
Urethral tumor