
An idiopathic disease is any disease with an unknown cause or mechanism of apparent spontaneous origin. From Greek ἴδιος idios "one's own" and πάθος pathos "suffering", idiopathy means approximately "a disease of its own kind". [Source: Wikipedia ]

May Cause
Acute diffuse mediastinal widening
Adrenal insufficiency
Basal ganglion calcification
Bilaterally decreased renal contrast concentration
Bone infarct
Bone-within-a-bone appearance
Bowel ischemia
Calcification in a ligament
Calcification in a tendon
Calcification in lymph nodes
Cerebral arterial disease
Clubbing of digits
Congenital foot deformity
Congenital hypodontia
Dense nephrogram
Diffuse demineralization of skull
Dilated azygos vein
Distended bladder
Ear cartilage calcification
Eggshell calcification in the chest
Fetal ascites
Focal vertebral sclerosis
Hypertrophic osteoarthropathy
Ileocecal intussusception
Intraorbital calcification
Large main pulmonary artery
Localized bone overgrowth
Massive pleural effusion
Multiple intracranial calcification
Neuropathic bone changes of the hands or feet
Notching of the superior rib margins
Pancreatic calcification without mass
Pancreatitis in a child
Pectus carinatum
Pericardial effusion
Perinephric hematoma
Periosteal new bone formation in a child
Plantar calcaneal spur
Pleural calcification
Pleural effusion containing eosinophiles
Pleural effusion with normal lungs
Premature osteoarthritis
Pulmonary hemorrhage
Radiolucent skull lesion
Recurrent pneumonia
Ribbon-like ribs
Short first metacarpal
Short first metatarsal
Short fourth metacarpal
Solitary intracranial calcification
Solitary thoracic calcification
Thin ribs
Thirteen pairs of ribs
Twisted bones
Unilateral large kidney
Unilaterally elevated diaphragm
Urinary tract calculus
Vertebral pedicle sclerosis
Vesicoureteral reflux
Vocal cord paralysis or paresis
Wavy ribs
Wide pubic symphysis
Widespread periosteal reaction
Acute diffuse mediastinal widening
Adrenal insufficiency
Basal ganglion calcification
Bilaterally decreased renal contrast concentration
Bone infarct
Bone-within-a-bone appearance
Bowel ischemia
Calcification in a ligament
Calcification in a tendon
Calcification in lymph nodes
Cerebral arterial disease
Clubbing of digits
Congenital foot deformity
Congenital hypodontia
Dense nephrogram
Diffuse demineralization of skull
Dilated azygos vein
Distended bladder
Ear cartilage calcification
Eggshell calcification in the chest
Fetal ascites
Focal vertebral sclerosis
Hypertrophic osteoarthropathy
Ileocecal intussusception
Intraorbital calcification
Large main pulmonary artery
Localized bone overgrowth
Massive pleural effusion
Multiple intracranial calcification
Neuropathic bone changes of the hands or feet
Notching of the superior rib margins
Pancreatic calcification without mass
Pancreatitis in a child
Pectus carinatum
Pericardial effusion
Perinephric hematoma
Periosteal new bone formation in a child
Plantar calcaneal spur
Pleural calcification
Pleural effusion containing eosinophiles
Pleural effusion with normal lungs
Premature osteoarthritis
Pulmonary hemorrhage
Radiolucent skull lesion
Recurrent pneumonia
Ribbon-like ribs
Short first metacarpal
Short first metatarsal
Short fourth metacarpal
Solitary intracranial calcification
Solitary thoracic calcification
Thin ribs
Thirteen pairs of ribs
Twisted bones
Unilateral large kidney
Unilaterally elevated diaphragm
Urinary tract calculus
Vertebral pedicle sclerosis
Vesicoureteral reflux
Vocal cord paralysis or paresis
Wavy ribs
Wide pubic symphysis
Widespread periosteal reaction