Endosteal hyperostosis Worth type
Worth type osteosclerosis
Is A
Endosteal hyperostosis
May Cause
Bone medullary space stenosis
Broad tubular bones
Calvarial hyperostosis
Clavicular lesion in an infant or child
Congenital prognathism
Congenital widespread osteosclerosis
Cortical bone thickening
Craniotubular dysplasia
Defective dentition
Delayed dentition
Dense or thick skull
Dental defect
Diffusely dense skull base
Multiple expanding rib lesions
Periosteal reaction involving the clavicle
Sclerosing bone dysplasia
Sclerotic clavicle
Thick clavicle
Thick ribs
Thick skull
Wide diametaphysis
Widespread cortical bone thickening
Widespread osteosclerosis
Widespread predominantly cortical osteosclerosis
Worth type osteosclerosis
Is A
Endosteal hyperostosis
May Cause
Bone medullary space stenosis
Broad tubular bones
Calvarial hyperostosis
Clavicular lesion in an infant or child
Congenital prognathism
Congenital widespread osteosclerosis
Cortical bone thickening
Craniotubular dysplasia
Defective dentition
Delayed dentition
Dense or thick skull
Dental defect
Diffusely dense skull base
Multiple expanding rib lesions
Periosteal reaction involving the clavicle
Sclerosing bone dysplasia
Sclerotic clavicle
Thick clavicle
Thick ribs
Thick skull
Wide diametaphysis
Widespread cortical bone thickening
Widespread osteosclerosis
Widespread predominantly cortical osteosclerosis