
Sarcoidosis is a disease involving abnormal collections of inflammatory cells that form lumps known as granulomata. The disease usually begins in the lungs, skin, or lymph nodes. [Source: Wikipedia ]

OrphaNet reference
Lacrimal gland sarcoidosis
May Cause
Abdominal lymphadenopathy
Abnormal azygoesophageal recess
Abnormal lacrimal system
Acquired skull defect
Acute diffuse mediastinal widening
Altered calcium concentration
Altered phosphorus concentration
Arterial calcification
Arthritis with soft-tissue nodules
Arthritis without osteoporosis
Axillary mass
Basilar cistern intense enhancement
Bilateral cheek masses
Bilateral large kidneys
Bilaterally enlarged and heterogeneous parotids
Bronchial lesion
Bulls-eye liver lesion
Button sequestrum of skull
Calcification in lymph nodes
Calcified mediastinal mass
Cerebellar lesion
Cerebral vasculitis
Chondral calcification
Choroidal mass
Chronic air-space consolidation
Chronic disseminated air-space opacity
Chronic Kerley lines
Clubbing of digits
Deformity of gastric antrum
Densely sclerotic vertebra
Diffuse gyriform meningeal enhancement
Diffuse interstitial disease with pleural effusion
Diffuse interstitial lung disease with associated lymphadenopathy
Diffuse leptomeningeal enhancement
Diffuse mixed airspace-interstitial lung disease
Diffuse tracheal narrowing
Distal clavicle defect
Ear cartilage calcification
Eggshell calcification in the chest
Enhancing sellar lesion
Enhancing suprasellar lesion
Enlarged brainstem
Enlarged epiglottis
Enlarged nerve roots
Enlarged orbital rectus muscles
Enlargement or erosion of sella turcica
Epidural granuloma
Erosion of mastoid
Erosion of middle ear
Erosion of tympanic portion of petrous bone
Extra-axial lesion
Extradural lesion with normal adjacent bone
Extraocular muscle enlargement
Extraorbital extracranial lesion extending to the orbit
Facial canal lesion within temporal bone
Facial nerve lesion outside the temporal bone
Flat femoral head
Focal leptomeningeal enhancement
Focal vertebral sclerosis
Fragmented femoral head
Fragmented or irregular femoral head
Gastric fold thickening
Gastrointestinal tract ulcer
Generalized osteopenia or osteolysis of the jaws
Globe lesion
Granulomatous disease
Ground-glass pulmonary opacity
Hilar displacement
Hilar lymphadenopathy
Hyperdense basilar cisterns
Hypodense brainstem lesion
Hypothalamic lesion
Ill-defined lytic jaw lesion
Ill-defined multifocal lung opacities
Immune disorder
Infratemporal fossa lesion
Interstitial lung fibrosis
Intra-articular calcification
Intradural extramedullary spinal lesion
Intramedullary spinal lesion
Intraparotid lymphadenopathy
Intratracheal mass
Isodense sellar lesion
Isodense suprasellar lesion
Joint-crossing bone lesion
Lesions of the hypopharynx, larynx, and upper trachea
Linitis plastica pattern of stomach
Localized bony defect about the optic canal
Lucent defect in bones of hands, wrists, feet, or ankles
Lung disease with eosinophilia
Lymphadenopathy in porta hepatis
Lytic phalangeal lesion
Lytic skeletal lesion
Main pulmonary artery obstruction
Marked hilar lymphadenopathy
Mediastinal and/or hilar lymph node enlargement
Mediastinal lymphadenopathy
Middle mediastinal lesion
Miliary lung opacities
Multifocal thoracic calcification
Multiple cavitary lung lesions
Multiple discrete intraparotid lesions
Multiple intracranial enhancing lesions
Multiple osteosclerotic bone lesions
Multiple pulmonary nodules
Multiple radiolucent bone lesions
Multiple splenic calcifications
Multiple splenic hypointensities
Narrowed joint space
Nasal septum perforation
Nasopharyngeal lesion
Nerve root enhancement
Non-neoplastic bone lesion
Optic canal enlargement
Optic nerve enlargement
Optic nerve tram-track sign
Paranasal sinus mass
Parasellar lesion
Patchy liver
Periarticular calcification
Peribronchovascular interstitial thickening
Pericardial effusion
Perilymphatic small lung nodules
Periportal lymphadenopathy
Pharyngeal infection
Pleural effusion with disease in thorax
Pleural thickening
Polyarticular joint disease
Polyostotic bone lesions in adults
Posterior mediastinal lesion
Prepyloric inflammation
Prepyloric scarring
Prepyloric stricture
Pulmonary hypertension
Pulmonary lobar consolidation
Pulmonary segmental consolidation
Radiolucent skull lesion
Regional osteoporosis
Resorption of distal clavicle
Retrobulbar mass
Retroperitoneal lymph node enlargement
Retroperitoneal lymphadenopathy
Reverse butterfly pattern
Salivary gland enlargement
Salivary gland lesion
Salivary gland/duct abnormality
Sclerotic foot bone lesion
Sclerotic hand bone lesion
Sellar lesion
Shaggy lung nodule
Sinonasal lesion
Sinus disease with bone destruction
Small lung nodules
Soft-tissue mass with adjacent bone erosion
Solitary collapsed vertebra
Solitary lesion of spleen
Solitary osteolytic skull lesion
Solitary pulmonary nodule
Solitary thoracic calcification
Solitary well-demarcated lytic bone lesion
Splenomegaly with diffuse hyperechoic pattern
Superior vena cava syndrome
T1-hypointense brainstem lesion
T2-hyperintense gyriform cortical lesion
T2-hyperintense liver lesion
Transient arthritis
Trigeminal nerve lesion
Unilateral hilar enlargement
Upper lung disease
Urinary tract calculus
Vascular calcification
Vascular deossification
Widened joint space
Widespread areas of bone destruction
Widespread osteosclerosis
Widespread predominantly medullary osteosclerosis
Widespread small irregular lung opacities
Abdominal lymphadenopathy
Abnormal azygoesophageal recess
Abnormal lacrimal system
Acquired skull defect
Acute diffuse mediastinal widening
Altered calcium concentration
Altered phosphorus concentration
Arterial calcification
Arthritis with soft-tissue nodules
Arthritis without osteoporosis
Axillary mass
Basilar cistern intense enhancement
Bilateral cheek masses
Bilateral large kidneys
Bilaterally enlarged and heterogeneous parotids
Bronchial lesion
Bulls-eye liver lesion
Button sequestrum of skull
Calcification in lymph nodes
Calcified mediastinal mass
Cerebellar lesion
Cerebral vasculitis
Chondral calcification
Choroidal mass
Chronic air-space consolidation
Chronic disseminated air-space opacity
Chronic Kerley lines
Clubbing of digits
Deformity of gastric antrum
Densely sclerotic vertebra
Diffuse gyriform meningeal enhancement
Diffuse interstitial disease with pleural effusion
Diffuse interstitial lung disease with associated lymphadenopathy
Diffuse leptomeningeal enhancement
Diffuse mixed airspace-interstitial lung disease
Diffuse tracheal narrowing
Distal clavicle defect
Ear cartilage calcification
Eggshell calcification in the chest
Enhancing sellar lesion
Enhancing suprasellar lesion
Enlarged brainstem
Enlarged epiglottis
Enlarged nerve roots
Enlarged orbital rectus muscles
Enlargement or erosion of sella turcica
Epidural granuloma
Erosion of mastoid
Erosion of middle ear
Erosion of tympanic portion of petrous bone
Extra-axial lesion
Extradural lesion with normal adjacent bone
Extraocular muscle enlargement
Extraorbital extracranial lesion extending to the orbit
Facial canal lesion within temporal bone
Facial nerve lesion outside the temporal bone
Flat femoral head
Focal leptomeningeal enhancement
Focal vertebral sclerosis
Fragmented femoral head
Fragmented or irregular femoral head
Gastric fold thickening
Gastrointestinal tract ulcer
Generalized osteopenia or osteolysis of the jaws
Globe lesion
Granulomatous disease
Ground-glass pulmonary opacity
Hilar displacement
Hilar lymphadenopathy
Hyperdense basilar cisterns
Hypodense brainstem lesion
Hypothalamic lesion
Ill-defined lytic jaw lesion
Ill-defined multifocal lung opacities
Immune disorder
Infratemporal fossa lesion
Interstitial lung fibrosis
Intra-articular calcification
Intradural extramedullary spinal lesion
Intramedullary spinal lesion
Intraparotid lymphadenopathy
Intratracheal mass
Isodense sellar lesion
Isodense suprasellar lesion
Joint-crossing bone lesion
Lesions of the hypopharynx, larynx, and upper trachea
Linitis plastica pattern of stomach
Localized bony defect about the optic canal
Lucent defect in bones of hands, wrists, feet, or ankles
Lung disease with eosinophilia
Lymphadenopathy in porta hepatis
Lytic phalangeal lesion
Lytic skeletal lesion
Main pulmonary artery obstruction
Marked hilar lymphadenopathy
Mediastinal and/or hilar lymph node enlargement
Mediastinal lymphadenopathy
Middle mediastinal lesion
Miliary lung opacities
Multifocal thoracic calcification
Multiple cavitary lung lesions
Multiple discrete intraparotid lesions
Multiple intracranial enhancing lesions
Multiple osteosclerotic bone lesions
Multiple pulmonary nodules
Multiple radiolucent bone lesions
Multiple splenic calcifications
Multiple splenic hypointensities
Narrowed joint space
Nasal septum perforation
Nasopharyngeal lesion
Nerve root enhancement
Non-neoplastic bone lesion
Optic canal enlargement
Optic nerve enlargement
Optic nerve tram-track sign
Paranasal sinus mass
Parasellar lesion
Patchy liver
Periarticular calcification
Peribronchovascular interstitial thickening
Pericardial effusion
Perilymphatic small lung nodules
Periportal lymphadenopathy
Pharyngeal infection
Pleural effusion with disease in thorax
Pleural thickening
Polyarticular joint disease
Polyostotic bone lesions in adults
Posterior mediastinal lesion
Prepyloric inflammation
Prepyloric scarring
Prepyloric stricture
Pulmonary hypertension
Pulmonary lobar consolidation
Pulmonary segmental consolidation
Radiolucent skull lesion
Regional osteoporosis
Resorption of distal clavicle
Retrobulbar mass
Retroperitoneal lymph node enlargement
Retroperitoneal lymphadenopathy
Reverse butterfly pattern
Salivary gland enlargement
Salivary gland lesion
Salivary gland/duct abnormality
Sclerotic foot bone lesion
Sclerotic hand bone lesion
Sellar lesion
Shaggy lung nodule
Sinonasal lesion
Sinus disease with bone destruction
Small lung nodules
Soft-tissue mass with adjacent bone erosion
Solitary collapsed vertebra
Solitary lesion of spleen
Solitary osteolytic skull lesion
Solitary pulmonary nodule
Solitary thoracic calcification
Solitary well-demarcated lytic bone lesion
Splenomegaly with diffuse hyperechoic pattern
Superior vena cava syndrome
T1-hypointense brainstem lesion
T2-hyperintense gyriform cortical lesion
T2-hyperintense liver lesion
Transient arthritis
Trigeminal nerve lesion
Unilateral hilar enlargement
Upper lung disease
Urinary tract calculus
Vascular calcification
Vascular deossification
Widened joint space
Widespread areas of bone destruction
Widespread osteosclerosis
Widespread predominantly medullary osteosclerosis
Widespread small irregular lung opacities