Synostosis of tubular bones
May Be Caused by
Acrocephalosyndactyly Pfeiffer type
Caffey disease
Chromosome 4p- syndrome
Cloverleaf skull deformity
Diastrophic dysplasia
Ehlers-Danlos syndrome
Fetal alcohol syndrome
Hereditary multiple exostoses
Holt-Oram syndrome
Humeroradial-humeroulnar synostosis
Klinefelter syndrome
Lenz-Majewski dysplasia
Mesomelic dysplasia
Multiple synostosis syndrome
Nager acrofacial dysostosis
Radioulnar synostosis
Severe inflammatory periostitis
Trisomy 18
XXXXX syndrome
XXXXY syndrome
XXXY syndrome
May Be Caused by
Acrocephalosyndactyly Pfeiffer type
Caffey disease
Chromosome 4p- syndrome
Cloverleaf skull deformity
Diastrophic dysplasia
Ehlers-Danlos syndrome
Fetal alcohol syndrome
Hereditary multiple exostoses
Holt-Oram syndrome
Humeroradial-humeroulnar synostosis
Klinefelter syndrome
Lenz-Majewski dysplasia
Mesomelic dysplasia
Multiple synostosis syndrome
Nager acrofacial dysostosis
Radioulnar synostosis
Severe inflammatory periostitis
Trisomy 18
XXXXX syndrome
XXXXY syndrome
XXXY syndrome